
Today when i set to my office i felt like i need and must share this to you all and actually i do so………

A woman as a great person fresh made from God, we have power in us power to do things and wonders. We are the power behind men, God created us as helpers, destiny achiever, protector, happiness, all that men cant do we usually do by the power given by God.

My belief is that every woman has been born GREAT and POWERFUL the thing is us to revel the power in us notifying it and use it more potentially…..!!! The bible puts it very clear in some many scriptures here i will drop some few, Genesis 2;18, Proverbs 14;1, Exodus 2;1-10, Luke 23;27-28 and many more in the bible speaks the power that a woman has. I have come so excited to share some few things that a woman who is great must have for a change success development happiness and life in general. And i will share them to you world….




Every great woman should have a worshiping heart, you may ask why a woman and not a man but as i have said before a woman carries great power to convince to help and God consider him as a source. Let me put it clear  have you ever hear or see that a man is mourning, God chooses a woman because she speaks smooth not that voice thing but how we go to God  he hear us so easily.. We have power to create and destroy, hope we all know the silly woman and wise woman have/can do to her house the house that was spoken there its not  about sibling husband or kids but a nation.

When you read Luke 2;36-38 you will that a worshiping heart leads to pure and great connection with God and Gods kingdom that will make our life as nation CLEAR and SMOOTH. He informs our life matters. And we must know the one we worship….!!



For a woman is a ministry of many things must be filled with the word of God, for what you spit out or comes out from you is what have fill your heart and soul. So if you have feed your heart things that are against God and his word you will normally give out the things that have filled your heart, so your whole ministry will receive what comes from you. “Giving what you have in your heart for your ministry”

A word of God is a light to us, light that puts us away from sin that keeps us closer to God  and his kingdom. The word of God makes the inner beauty that will make everything and everyone “STAY”. In 1samuel 25 what fills  your heart is what people should come for…Trust me or not no one admires bad things no one admires silly and potential-less things just easily if not his or her ministry made him or her being that way.. If your single no wise man will admire and wants to make you his wife if your heart is filled with the pure-less and clear-less things he wont come for you and if he comes will not stay. Not only a man but everyone that surrounds you will not stays will just pass by….



Prayers should be your portion and life style so as to get good and quality things in life. Once you stays in prayers you invest what you want and deserve. Prayers  build and gives strength that will make you shape everyone and makes everyone strong win and move on. Prayers pays a lot everything goes with prayers. Prayers are the best medicine among all. There are some mountains (troubles/problems) aren’t moving away without prayers without mourns without knees so as women we have the power to do all to make everything smooth. 1samuel 12 (Hannah’s story)



From the scripture 1peter 3;1… “Submissive” to your ministry to  the nation that looks at you. There are million scriptures that speaks about being submissive  especially to him and our husband to our ministry to our society, 1peter 3;1-22, 1timothy 2;12,Ephesian 5;22-33 1peter 3;17. Submissive as its meaning makes us adhering the whims of the one in control. Am telling you if a woman will not be submissive it will just be a 111 world war, it will be very very worse……Since the bible has commanded it.



As a great woman in order to move on and face challenges must be brave and intelligence to face all of the situations. No one will come to you if you are mind is poor if you have nothing in head no one will dare come to you am telling you. The bible speaks about Abigail as a clever woman, and her mind was potential to her husband and the society in general and that how great woman should be…(1samuel 25;3)



From the scriptures in the bible Proverbs 31 speaks it all every great woman should have these characters. A great woman shouldn’t be lazy should be very hard worker punctual and very committed to what she is doing for a living…No success for the lazy people, no wonder that no one will come for you if your lazy like what he or she will get from you you are just chilling…..!!



As a woman founder of many ministries and the great army and person, must be pure with no impurities. You are the temple of God with great convenience  to the Kingdom of God. You must purposely remain to worship God only and not anything else…Value your self and change not your Purity…

you may share this to yourself,wife,sister,friend,neighbor and everyone in the world…..!!

your blessed




  1. You said “and we must know the one we worship” so true. As I look around in church I notice the ones that arent worshiping God which brings me to believe they dont know him; they dont have a relationship with him. This is good sis something else to pray about. God bless!

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